関西学院大阪インターナショナルスクールのエレメンタリー(小学部)のJennifer Henbest先生が、アフガニスタン女性支援プロジェクト(EJAAD)での貢献が認められ、EARCOS "Richard T. Krajczar Humanitarian Award 2022"を受賞しました。

Richard T. Krajczar Humanitarian Award 2022
Our congratulations go out to Ms. Jennifer Henbest, our elementary Art teacher, on receipt of the Richard T. Krajczar Humanitarian Award for 2022. This award, for her exceptional work on the EJAAD (Afghan Project), includes a $10,000 donation over two years to the project, which most recently built a school of young women in Kabul. That only begins to describe the scope and achievement of the project, however. Find out more here.